Jordann's VERY favorite book when she was around 3 was Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
. We went through a time where I read this to her almost EVERY night. It got to where she would repeat it with me. And, on those nights I was very tired & tried to skip a part to make the book go faster, she would know and tell me word-for-word what I forgot to read! She's 15 now and could probably still recite the whole book. It's one of the books that my girls wouldn't let me sell or give away after they "outgrew" it. It's still on the shelf upstairs with their favorite picture books from childhood. I'll have to pull them out sometimes and let y'all know which books were so special to them that they wouldn't let me get rid of them. Anyway, we HIGHLY recommend Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
and think it should be on every child's bookshelf! (Love that in Spanish, too -- Chicabum, Chicabum)