Thursday, January 1, 2009

Book Review: Rasco and the Rats of NIMH

Author: Jane Leslie Conly
Review by Lauren Tatum, 12 years old
October 12-13, 2003

Rasco and the Rats of NIMH takes place in Thorn Valley probably in the 1980's. The main character and hero in this story is Rasco. The other main characters are Timothy, Justin, Arthur, Christopher, Beatrice, Jeremy, Jenner, Isabella, Nicodemus, and Mrs. Frisby.

The conflict was that people were building a dam that would create a lake that would flood Thorn Valley, where the rats live. The climax was when they figured out they could try to reprogram the computer so the dam would blow up.

My favorite character probably was Timothy because I am happy that he is back in the sequel, and because he was patient and did what he was told and was didn't like Rasco. This author was not as good as Robert O-Brien (this was her first book), but I wanted to hear what happened to the Rats. I guess the creativity of the plot made up for it. I would recommend this book only to people who have read the first one, and really wants to know what happens to the rats.

"Both the story and the tale within it are deftly told, fulfilling the first requisite of fantasy by making the impossible believable. -- Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books

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